Getting started with Metamask® Chrome® Extension® | Gitbook

MetaMask is a versatile cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (dApps), widely used for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and other networks.

MetaMask is a versatile cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (dApps), widely used for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and other networks. Available as a browser extension, MetaMask provides a user-friendly interface for managing digital assets securely. This guide explores the installation, setup, features, and best practices for using the MetaMask wallet extension.

Installation and Setup

1. Installing MetaMask

MetaMask can be installed as an extension on browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Microsoft Edge. Here’s how to install it on Chrome:

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store:

    • Open Google Chrome and go to the Chrome Web Store.

  2. Search for MetaMask:

    • Enter "MetaMask" in the search bar and select the official MetaMask extension.

  3. Add to Chrome:

    • Click "Add to Chrome" and confirm by selecting "Add Extension".

    • The MetaMask icon will appear in your browser’s toolbar once the installation is complete.

2. Setting Up MetaMask

After installing the extension, you need to set up your wallet:

  1. Open MetaMask:

    • Click the MetaMask icon to launch the extension.

  2. Get Started:

    • Click "Get Started" and choose to create a new wallet.

  3. Create a Password:

    • Set a strong password to secure your wallet. This password is required each time you access MetaMask on your device.

  4. Backup Your Secret Recovery Phrase:

    • MetaMask provides a 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase. Write down this phrase and store it in a secure, offline location.

    • Confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase by selecting the words in the correct order.

  5. Complete Setup:

    • After confirming the recovery phrase, your MetaMask wallet is ready to use.

Key Features

1. User-Friendly Interface

MetaMask offers an intuitive interface for viewing account balances, recent transactions, and network status, making it easy for users to manage their digital assets.

2. Multi-Network Support

While designed for the Ethereum network, MetaMask also supports other blockchains like Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. Users can add custom networks via the settings.

3. Token Management

Users can manage multiple tokens within the same wallet. To add a custom token, enter the token’s contract address in MetaMask.

4. dApp Integration

MetaMask seamlessly integrates with various dApps, allowing users to engage with DeFi platforms, trade on decentralized exchanges, and interact with NFT marketplaces directly from their browser.

Using MetaMask

1. Sending and Receiving Tokens

  • Sending Tokens:

    • Click "Send" in MetaMask, enter the recipient’s address and the amount to send, and confirm the transaction.

  • Receiving Tokens:

    • Click on your account name to copy your wallet address and share it with the sender or use the provided QR code.

2. Interacting with dApps

MetaMask acts as a bridge between your browser and decentralized applications:

  • Visit a dApp website and click "Connect Wallet".

  • Select MetaMask and approve the connection request within the extension.

Security Best Practices

  1. Protect Your Secret Recovery Phrase:

    • Store it offline in a secure location and never share it with anyone.

  2. Use Strong Passwords:

    • Choose a strong, unique password for your MetaMask wallet.

  3. Be Wary of Phishing Attacks:

    • Always double-check URLs and avoid clicking on suspicious links. Verify the authenticity of dApps before connecting your wallet.

  4. Enable Browser Security Features:

    • Keep your browser and MetaMask extension updated to the latest versions. Consider using additional security extensions to block phishing sites.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Forgotten Password:

    • Use your Secret Recovery Phrase to restore access to your wallet.

  2. Extension Issues:

    • Ensure your browser is updated. Disable conflicting extensions or reinstall MetaMask if necessary.

  3. Transaction Errors:

    • Verify that you have sufficient funds for gas fees and adjust gas settings if required.


The MetaMask wallet extension is an indispensable tool for managing digital assets and interacting with the decentralized web. Its user-friendly interface, robust security features, and seamless dApp integration make it a top choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. By following best practices for setup and security, users can confidently explore and participate in the dynamic world of blockchain technology.

Last updated